“Talk to You? A Reporter? Do I Look Like a Fool?”

“Talk to You? A Reporter? Do I Look Like a Fool?”
Why would someone want to talk to any journalist? What would motivate a person to talk with a particular journalist? American journalist Don Ray offers tips that will help you recognize a source’s possible motives in deciding to give you a moment of their time.
Why would someone want to talk to any journalist?
She doesn’t really want to, but it’s her job—she has to.
He believes strongly in his cause.
She wants to get the facts right—to set the record straight.
He’s outraged at something or someone.
She wants to defend someone else.
His ego is so big he can’t resist the exposure.
She feels guilty and wants to confess.
He wants to defend himself against what others are saying or doing.
She wants to give the impression she’s not guilty.
He’s a lunatic—doesn’t have a clue how foolish he’ll look.
She’s a sociopath and thinks she can con the journalist.
He has a hidden agenda.
She’s obedient and believes journalists have some kind of authority.
He thinks it’s just the right thing to do.
She’s getting paid by someone to talk.
He’s trying to divert the journalist’s attention from something.
She’s punishing another journalist or news outlet.
He hopes the exposure will further his career or help his reputation.
What would motivate a person to talk with a particular journalist?
He believes the journalist really cares.
She believes the journalist really understands the story.
He believes the journalist is likely to agree with his point of view.
She believes the journalist will somehow pay her for the interview.
He’s rewarding the journalist who is more persistent.
She’s rewarding the journalist who hasn’t pestered her.
He wants to talk to a journalist of a particular race, sex, religion, alma mater, etc.
She cooperates with a journalist who isn’t of a particular race, religion, etc.
He is impressed with the journalist’s patience.
She believes the journalists will be more accurate than the others.
He believes the journalist is somehow more sympathetic or empathic.
He believes the journalist is more experienced.
She believes the journalist is more trustworthy.
The journalist came highly recommended.
She’s read/seen/heard the journalist’s work and likes his/her work.
He believes the journalist is naïve and can somehow be hoodwinked.
She believes the journalist’s publication/program will reach more people.
He believes the journalist is just plain nicer.
She likes the anchors on the journalist’s newscast.
He believes he might be able to score with the journalist.
She believes the journalists might help her get a job as a reporter.
He believes the reporter might have information that could be helpful.
She supports the perceived editorial position of the publication/station/network.
Look for the telltale signs of certain feelings, emotions or conditions that may play a part in someone’s decision to cooperate—such as gratitude, trust, responsibility, fear, guilt, greed, curiosity, sport, lunacy, sex, ego and/or pleasure.
We would like to thank the author for granting us the permission to publish this tipsheet. Copyright 2004. Website: www.donray.com