
The story “Money Laundering to be Penalized Again” by Andreja Kasanić, created in the first generation of the “Investigative Reporting Program: Stories on the Theme of Organized Crime,” resulted in a provision penalizing “money laundering” being reinserted in the Penal Code of the Republic of Croatia.
As a result of illegal exploitation of quarries, logging and artificially turning woodlands into construction sites, Slavonian forests are being destroyed with impunity. Authorities, including the Croatian Government, instead of putting a stop to this, are allowing and even stimulating it. This is the most thorough story so far on the issue, with documented results of a journalist’s investigation.By Ljiljanka Mitoš-Svoboda, freelance journalist, Osijek
A participant in the “Investigative Reporting and Organized Crime” program implemented by the Media Centar Sarajevo NetNovinar Training Center, after working on her investigation for just two months, deserved an announcement on the front page of the Zagreb Večernji List for uncovering hidden documentation about judges who withdrew their money from a collapsed savings and loan association through real estate when “ordinary” savers couldn’t.
A participant in the first generation of the program “Investigative Journalism and Organized Crime” implemented by NetNovinar Training Center of Mediacentar Sarajevo and Investigative Journalism Center Zagreb, who won an Independent Association of Journalists of Serbia award for the investigative story “Bird Mafia in SCG,” written during the educational program, writes about the challenges in his research.Written by: Đorđe S. Padejski, journalist from Zrenjanin
A participant in the ‘Investigative reporting and organised crime’ training programme of the Mediacentar Sarajevo and the Centre for investigative journalism from Zagreb has proved that illegal unhindered hunting of protected bird species takes place in Vojvodina in a very organised way. He lined up an illegal hunting trip through an agency offering these on their web site and got a former guide of one such agency to reveal details of their “work”. An ongoing, dreadful, illegal slaughter of wild birds takes place in Serbia, yielding great profits.By: Đorđe Padejski, Zrenjaninske novine
