Investigative reporting: Application deadline 15 August

The NetNovinar Training Centre invites journalists from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia and Montenegro to apply for a five-month education programme to specialise in investigative reporting focusing on organised crime topics. The programme is designed to allow the participants attendance that will not interfere with their regular work. The organisers are sponsoring the participants by covering their expenses in full. Application deadline: 15 August 2006.

The NetNovinar – Centre for Investigative Reporting and Media Education (founders: Mediacentar Sarajevo and Centre for Investigative Journalism, Zagreb) in cooperation with E-Net Centre from Sarajevo announce the invitation for the fourth generation of participants to apply for the programme ‘Investigative reporting – stories on the theme of organised crime’.
The programme starts in September 2006, and ends in January 2007. It is designed to allow attendance that will not interfere with reporters regular working tasks. Five month education programme consists of two workshops, to be held in the Mediacentar Sarajevo, and online segment of work.
The participants will advance the process of investigating and writing investigative stories according to the highest professional standards, with continuous supervision and mentorship of the experts from the region, in the following areas: - Investigative process - Organising and implementing journalistic research - Ethics in investigative journalism - Media legislation - Internet and database search techniques - Writing investigative stories.
Investigative stories, produced by the participants during the Programme, will be published on the web portal NetNovinar, in the Investigative Reporting Section The stories will also be published in print media where the participants work.
Information on application and a detailed description of the programme ‘Investigative reporting – stories on the theme of organised crime’ is available here.
Application deadline is 15 August 2006. The Programme is funded by Open Society Fund B&H and Swedish Helsinki Committee for Human Rights.  For further information please contact:
Maša Hilčišin DerviševićMediacentar Sarajevo+387 33 715