Reporting on corruption

Reporting on corruption
The overall objective of this project is to address anti-corruption activities by actively creating an informed, interested and expectant public, through higher quality media, that will hold those in positions of responsibility to account, thereby forming an conducive environment for NGOs working in the field of anti-corruption to succeed.
Mediacentar, together with the lead partner on the project Thomson Reuters Foundation (TRF), developed and conducted activities aimed at strengthening the capacities of B&H media (print, electronic, online) in reporting on corruption issues. Due the course of 24 months, we have organised one Training for trainers (ToT) for six B&H journalists (leaders); four cycles of trainings for journalists on how to report on corruption issues (5 days each) have been conducted. 40 journalists have participated in trainings (including staff from Slobodna Bosna, Glas Srpske, Free Europe, Al Jazeera Balkans, Federal TV, FENA, RTRS, TV Sarajevo, web portal E-kapija...).
After each training participants have been encouraged to work on their own investigative stories, and trainers have been supporting them as mentors. At the end of the project, all finished stories are published on MC_Online web portal.
Vladimir Bekić, journalist with Radio Televizije Republike Srpske (RTRS) and Mirjana Popović of Center for Investigative Journalism (CIN) were awarded 1500 euro prizes for their stories.