Talks with Journalists: Five Years in Afghanistan
We invite journalists from Bosnian-Herzegovinian media to socialize and talk to the journalist Dominic Medley who recently returned from Afghanistan, about his work experience in Afghanistan. The meeting “Media Talks and Questions: Five Years in Afghanistan” will be held on Thursday, 22 February, from 13.00 to 15.00, at Mediacentar Sarajevo. The working language is English. The final date by which you should confirm your participation is Wednesday, 21 February.
Dominic Medley worked on important national and international media projects in Afghanistan. After arriving in Afghanistan, in February 2002, he worked on development of media projects and as special advisor to the commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan.
Dominic Medley helped launch the first music radio station in Kabul, where he worked as trainer/educator.
His engagement included the publishing of the first tourist guide, starting a press association and a monthly magazine for foreigners living in Kabul.
Before going to Afghanistan, Medley lived in Bosnia-Herzegovina for several years and worked at Mediacentar Sarajevo as trainer/educator at the BBC School of Journalism.
During the meeting with B-H journalists, Medley will show interesting photographs from Afghanistan and briefly present NATO activities in Afghanistan.
For more information on Dominic Medley, his work and his photographs, visit:,,
We ask all those interested to confirm their participating in the meeting by Wednesday, 21 February.
Contact persons for more information:
Maša Hilčišin Derviševićmasa@media.baLejla Kapetanović 387 33 715
The organizer is NetNovinar – Center for Investigative Reporting and Media Education (founders: Mediacentar Sarajevo & Investigative Journalism Center, Zagreb)