Advancing Roma Visibility

Advancing Roma Visibility
The overall objective of the action is to increase the quantity, quality and accessibility of media content aimed at the Roma communities of the Balkans - in Bosnia, Serbia and Macedonia in particular. Headlined by Transitions Online (TOL) project was implemented by Mediacentar Sarajevo, Roma information center "Kali Sara", Novi Sad School of Journalism and Macedonian Institute for Media.
Among many actions undertaken, Mediacentar was responsible for developing and delivering an intensive, ten days-long training in multimedia storytelling, teaching the principles of balanced and engaging storytelling in text, audio, photo and video formats as well as the basics of newsroom convergence. Stories have been published on the website
In 2012, first radio program for Bosnian Roma community is established in cooperation with radio station Slon from Tuzla. Project is co-financed by European Union (IPA 2009: Civil Society Facility - Regional programs).